With the pass of time, and by many reasons, I lost the interest on arts that one time I thought I loved: cinema, animation and comic. Finally, the only thing that I had was the illustration, the painting. I thought, after reading to The Great Ones like Da Vinci, Dürer, Battista Alberti, Zuccaro, Shitao, Francisco de Holanda, that the painting was the Maximus Art.
After listen and read about the origins of the card decks and how during the italian renassaince, the Patrons of the Arts commissioned illustrated Tarot decks to painters, I was thinking on tell my stories through cards. I didn't know how specifically, I didn't like the idea of just do cards, I always wanted tell visual stories, not just illustrations. I read that in my country (Chile) there was a rising market of board games and Youtube started to recommend me videos of something called HTCG, Homemade Trading Card Games. So I felt motivated to started to do my own game and see the way of tell stories through it. It was during this, that I started to think of the most philosophical part of the games, on the non-linear narratives, on how our life is very similar to a game and I concluded that the it is the Game, not the Painting, the Maximus Art. The Creator isn't a painter, It is a Game Designer, the nature is just the visual art section. Then I felt the Life again, now I want to do games and I remembered that here in Newgrounds one can upload videogames.
I downloaded a software called TyranoBuilder where one can do Visual Novels. Also I'm learning more about HTML5, CSS and JavaScript, I want to master the skill of do Web Games.