🎮 Videogames Design Technician
💾 Electronics student

Age 32, XY

Experimental Artist


Joined on 12/29/14

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SergiEfeve's News

Posted by SergiEfeve - June 2nd, 2022

Some weeks ago I was trying of sleep without success, in the middle of the night it started to come to my mind a text for share it with the rest as an essay. This was the beginning of my new project, Sergi Efeve's Notebooks, which is an illustrated microblog that I'll share in my art gallery here in Newgrounds. It consists in an illustration done for me accompained by a little text. I will aso share it in Instagram, but there it will be in spanish.

You can see the first illustration by clicking here.

I wrote this as an introduction to my writings:

Sergi Efeve’s Notebooks is my illustrated microblog project where I talk about (Video)Games.

(Video)Games is how I call the Art with which the universe was created according the renaissance artists. The name 'Notebooks' is a reference to the famous Da Vinci's notebooks.

According the ancients, do Art is do science and philosophy. Part of the study of the crafts and skills was the study of its materials and fundamentals in nature.

So, my blog covers topics as gamedev, electronics & computer sciences, digital painting and tarot.

Posted by SergiEfeve - March 2nd, 2022

Ok. After like 6 years I'm back to streamings. I'll be studying electronics, but you can suggest me videogames waifus characters for sketching during the streaming by donation of kudos (the money of Picarto) or chips (the name of kudos in spanish).


Update: The streaming is over, but I'll keep this entry. Maybe someone wants to enter to my channel and to give to the follow button.

Posted by SergiEfeve - December 29th, 2021

The past week I went to an electronic articles store to buy some things.


1) A funduino joystick board with lcd screen Nokia 5110. Miniprotoboards and transistors. I want to use the transistors (2N2222) for make a binary calculator, and I read in wikipedia one can make a radio with less of 20 of them. The funduino is for try to make a portable video game. But I've been having some issues with the funduino. The box where I stored it fallen and it seems the Nokia screen is broken. Also the board is very dirty by back and have some bad or ugly weldings.



2) I was looking for a battery holder and motors for make a cardboard videogame and I found a set for make a robot chassis.



3) A kit for make Arduino projects. It have a shield compatible with Arduino Mega 2560 (it uses an ATmega2560 microcontroller chip). Other thing awesome, it comes with a 555 chip!!! If you want to know what is a 555, I recommend this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRlSFm519Bo


Also, the kit comes with an ultrasonic sensor, it could be used for prevent to robots from collide with walls, with that tech one can make one of those cleaning robots. I learned it in the first semester of Electronics, we had to do an obstacle avoiding robot in an arduino online simulator as introduction to programming.

The kit also has a servomotor, I remember when I was a kid I saw on TV that servos are used for make animatronics, so it's cool have one now.

Besides go the electronics store. I bought a book on make ASCII games in C++. My main motivation were the programming class I received in the institute, in the second semester we learned object oriented programming basics in C++, but the course were very basic and I wanted to have a deep knowledge on the issue that could help me to do videogames.


A recommendation: Since like two years ago I've been working in a personal scientific project related with computing prime numbers and I'm starting to get results. There are many thing I could do thanks to math class in the institute, my ignorance in the field was stalling me. The thing is that studying these things I got curious about Cellular Automata and Complex Systems, among other Computer Science related things like the "P=NP?", and I wanted to learn about it in a non-superficial and non-expensive way, and I found a site called "Complexity Explorer" full of good courses: https://www.complexityexplorer.org

Finally, a cousin gifted to my a bad keyboard, the idea is to have fun examining it and trying to fix it.


Greetings!! And Happy New Year



Posted by SergiEfeve - July 30th, 2020

My interest on electronics are because like an artist, and videogames are art, I always have been preocupied by the materials and resources. During great part of my life I always prefered more paper based arts, and how electricity become on images through a computer was something weird and incomprehensible for me. But when I knew that the transistors work emulating the truth tables that I learned on programming classes in the career of Videogame design I was fascinated how something so simple but very intelligent can show us a new world through a display. Then I knew that I wanted to study electronics, for know more about the hardware development and be a more complete artist.

Also I'm very fan of science and nature misteries. Also the life have it own electronics circuit, while our computer ones work with the movement of electrons by a processor, the living cells use ionized particles through their microtubules (look for Cell Wide Web on internet). So I feel that with electronics I'm closer to my favorite nature misteries: the quantum and the life.

I've been watching videos on YT by Bean Eater about electronics and in one of them he recommended a book by Albert Malvino. I looked by the name in amazon and I read in the description of one of his books that algebra, trigonometry and basic circuits are prerequisite for read it. So I'm study those things, I have to work hard because math is something very difficult for me. Also I've been learning JavaScript for know well how to do HTML5 games. Althought I downloaded a game engine for visual novels (TyranoBuilder), my interest for be a more complete artist calls me to study. Study it gave me a better understanding of the uses of the arrays and functions, time ago I ignored the uses of those tools, because in the Videogame design career was very common use all the tools and ready-to-use stuff that the Unity engine provides.

That's all by this entry. Good Luck.


Posted by SergiEfeve - July 10th, 2020

With the pass of time, and by many reasons, I lost the interest on arts that one time I thought I loved: cinema, animation and comic. Finally, the only thing that I had was the illustration, the painting. I thought, after reading to The Great Ones like Da Vinci, Dürer, Battista Alberti, Zuccaro, Shitao, Francisco de Holanda, that the painting was the Maximus Art.

After listen and read about the origins of the card decks and how during the italian renassaince, the Patrons of the Arts commissioned illustrated Tarot decks to painters, I was thinking on tell my stories through cards. I didn't know how specifically, I didn't like the idea of just do cards, I always wanted tell visual stories, not just illustrations. I read that in my country (Chile) there was a rising market of board games and Youtube started to recommend me videos of something called HTCG, Homemade Trading Card Games. So I felt motivated to started to do my own game and see the way of tell stories through it. It was during this, that I started to think of the most philosophical part of the games, on the non-linear narratives, on how our life is very similar to a game and I concluded that the it is the Game, not the Painting, the Maximus Art. The Creator isn't a painter, It is a Game Designer, the nature is just the visual art section. Then I felt the Life again, now I want to do games and I remembered that here in Newgrounds one can upload videogames.

I downloaded a software called TyranoBuilder where one can do Visual Novels. Also I'm learning more about HTML5, CSS and JavaScript, I want to master the skill of do Web Games.



Posted by SergiEfeve - December 14th, 2015

Winner of Biweekly Animation Challenge

I'm the winner of the Biweekly Animation Challenge!! I'm so happy!: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/post/goto/25708351

I received a Honorary Supporter Upgrade of prize: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/post/goto/25708355

You can watch my entry for the challenge here:


Posted by SergiEfeve - December 5th, 2015

Animation Production Diary

Well. I want participate in the Biweekly Animation Challenge, the theme is "Transformation". During the week I drew the frames in sketch, with the Android App "FlipaClip". I will do the lineart this weekend (I must start just post this!!) with the "MediBang" app, I discovered recently that MediBang have an option for detect pressure, so now with my very cheap Bamboo Stylus I can draw with different thicknesses, even with my finger xD. And between the weekend and the deadline, I will paint the animation, I have an ambitious idea for paint this, so whish me luck

It's so amazing that Newgrounds now have the loop option for videos, It will be very useful for this.




Posted by SergiEfeve - January 1st, 2015

I'm new here! Some days ago I joined to Newgrounds! Visit my profile: http://sergeibsg.newgrounds.com/ and follow me: http://sergeibsg.newgrounds.com/follow :)